

时间:2024-02-21 04:11:41来源:admin01栏目:冷链新闻 阅读:




Mengnius own cold chain logistics development and management is in a leading position compared with the national dairy cold chain logistics, but compared with the dairy cold chain logistics in developed countries, it is still at a low-end level. For example, although dairy companies such as Tianrun, Hehai, and Xiyuchun can also leave their production sites and send them to distant places, they cannot send their products to large dairy companies such as Mengniu and Yili due to their own cold chain logistics constraints.


The main reason for restricting the development of cold chain logistics of dairy products in China is that my country has a vast territory, and milk origins are mostly concentrated in Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang and other regions, but these regions are mostly far away from densely populated cities, and the traffic conditions cannot meet the needs of enterprises to transfer milk products. sources are sent everywhere. Due to the outdated and backward infrastructure of dairy cold chain logistics in my country, the number of refrigerated vehicles in China is far less than in developed countries, only a quarter of that in Japan and one-seventh of that in the United States. Railway refrigerated vehicles only account for the number of running vehicles in the world. However, in terms of its area, my countrys area is much larger than those of these developed countries, making my countrys cold chain logistics cost much higher than the world average.


At the same time, there is no complete system of cold chain logistics in my countrys dairy industry. Although dairy farmers can produce a large amount of milk, due to the imperfect integration of production, supply and marketing of dairy products in my country, the milk in the hands of dairy farmers is mostly collected by enterprises. Once spoilage occurs, the milk production process is not supervised, so most dairy companies choose to cooperate with large milk factories and provide cold chain logistics for milk sources. The development of the cold chain of dairy products in my country is not only limited by the geographical environment but also by the competition between enterprises. Since opening the cold chain logistics is to open the market, the enterprises own cold chain logistics is not willing to let others use it, which will cause some problems. The repeated establishment of cold chain logistics points in regions increases logistics costs for enterprises, wastes social resources for society, and also restricts the development of cold chain logistics in China.








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