

时间:2023-09-22 14:58:47来源:admin01栏目:冷链新闻 阅读:








Cold chain logistics generally refers to a logistics method that needs to be kept in a specified low temperature environment in the production, transportation, storage and sales of commodities that need to be refrigerated and frozen. There are also huge regulations on transportation time, so most companies do not have their own cold chain logistics. However, for large transportation volume, short preservation time, and relatively strong capital reserves, the company chooses to establish its own cold chain logistics system. .

The commodities corresponding to cold chain logistics include primary agricultural products such as vegetables, fruits, meat, flowers, etc., as well as processed foods such as frozen food, ice cream, chocolate, dairy products, fast food raw materials, etc., as well as special commodities such as medicines. Due to the different storage temperatures of these commodities, cold chain logistics can be divided into ultra-low temperature logistics (applicable temperature range is below -50°C), frozen logistics (applicable temperature range is below -18°C), and ice-temperature logistics (applicable temperature range is below -18°C), ice-temperature logistics (applicable temperature range) -2℃~2℃), refrigerated logistics (the applicable temperature range is 0℃~10℃), and other temperature-controlled logistics (the applicable temperature range is 10℃~25℃). Most of the products in the fresh milk industry are dairy products, so fresh milk companies mostly choose refrigerated transportation.

Due to the small demand for fresh milk in my country in the past, my countrys milk sources are mostly produced in areas such as Xinjian and Inner Mongolia. Since the reform and opening up, the fresh milk market has shown vigorous vitality. The ten-year average growth rate from 1990 to 2000 was 12.1%. Ranking first in the world, this has put more pressure on my countrys fresh milk transportation. Large-scale dairy companies represented by Mengniu and Yili have begun to develop their own cold chain logistics.

However, due to the high price of cold chain logistics, it will increase the transportation cost of dairy companies. At the same time, the cold chain transportation of dairy products needs to run through the entire sales process, so there are several requirements for the quality of cold chain logistics in each link. For some suppliers, they were unable to find a suitable cold chain, resulting in lower quality dairy products.








上一篇:伊利:全程冷链守住酸奶每一刻新鲜 文·摄影/本报记者 郑慧英


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