

时间:2023-07-25 19:05:39来源:admin01栏目:冷链运输 阅读:


Recently, the development of Linyis warehousing and cold chain logistics industry has been gaining momentum, with the Linyi Cold Chain Logistics Industry Park at the forefront of it all. This park was born out of the need to provide efficient and modern warehousing and cold chain logistics services to support the agricultural trade here in Linyi.

The Linyi Cold Chain Logistics Industry Park is located in Yitang Town, Junan County, Linyi City, Shandong Province. It covers an area of 61.6 hectares and has a total construction area of 300,000 square meters. The park is divided into two sections, the cold storage section, and the processing and logistics section.

The cold storage section has a total of 62,000 square meters of cold storage capacity, equipped with 51 cold storage rooms that can accommodate 4,000 tons of products. The processing and logistics section includes three multi-functional processing plants, two modern warehouses, and a transportation hub. These facilities can handle goods such as vegetables, fruits, flowers, meat, dairy products, and aquatic products.

The parks development has been supported by the local government, which has invested a lot of money and resources into its construction. The park also received substantial support from the Agricultural 冷链物流Reclamation Bureau of Linyi City, which has been providing technical, financial, and land support to the project. The bureau also played a significant role in helping the park obtain the necessary licenses and permits needed to begin operations.

The Linyi Cold Chain Logistics Industry Park has brought significant benefits to the region. It has created job opportunities for over a thousand people, including farmers and local residents, and has rejuvenated the local economy. By providing efficient and modern warehousing and logistics services, it has also increased the competitiveness of local agricultural products.

The park has already attracted several prominent enterprises, including Shandong Jiajiayue Group, which is one of the largest supermarket chains in Shandong Province. Many other companies, including suppliers, distributors, and wholesalers, have also set up operations here.

The parks development has garnered significant interest from investors and entrepreneurs who are looking to capitalize on the growing demand for efficient and modern warehousing and cold chain logistics services. The parks strategic location, advanced facilities, and supportive policies make it an ideal destination for these investors.

In conclusion, the Linyi Cold Chain Logistics Industry Park is an essential infrastructure project that has brought significant benefits to the region. It has created much-needed job opportunities, rejuvenated the local economy, and supported the development of modern agriculture. This park is a shining example of how government support and private investment can work together to bring prosperity and growth to a region.








